
电脑开机出现“Out of Range”错误的解决方法

admin 08-25 5
电脑开机出现“Out of Range”错误的解决方法摘要: 电脑开机出现“Out of Range”错误的解决方法在使用电脑时,用户可能会遇到“Out of Range”的错误提示,这通常是由于显示器无法识别输入信号的分辨率或刷新率所导致。...

本文对《电脑开机出现“Out of Range”错误的解决方法》进行了深度解读分析,同时对相关问题进行了展开说明,下面跟随燎元跃动小编一起了解。

电脑开机出现“Out of Range”错误的解决方法

在使用电脑时,用户可能会遇到“Out of Range”的错误提示,这通常是由于显示器无法识别输入信号的分辨率或刷新率所导致。本文将详细探讨这一问题及其解决方案,以帮助用户有效应对这一困扰。

什么是“Out of Range”错误?

电脑开机出现“Out of Range”错误的解决方法

当电脑启动时,如果显示器无法处理当前设置的分辨率或刷新率,就会出现“Out of Range”的提示。这意味着显示器超出了其支持范围,无法正常显示画面。此类问题常见于更改显卡驱动程序、调整屏幕设置后,或者连接不兼容的设备时。【蓑衣网小编】

如何处理“Out of Range”错误?


  1. 检查和调整显示器设置:如果可以访问到显示器菜单,请进入设置界面并检查当前分辨率和刷新率。建议将其调整为1920x1080或1280x720,并选择60Hz作为合适的刷新频率。
  2. 进入安全模式:尝试重启电脑并按F8键(具体取决于操作系统)进入安全模式。在此模式下,系统会以较低的分辨率启动,从而使你能够进行必要的调整。
  3. 修改启动设置:If the issue persists, you may need to access your computer's BIOS or UEFI settings. Here, you can disable integrated graphics or select the correct boot mode to ensure that the appropriate drivers are loaded during startup.
  4. 更换连接电缆或监视器:If none of the above solutions work, consider testing with a different monitor or replacing the connection cable. This will help determine if there is a hardware fault causing the issue.

If these methods do not resolve your problem, it is advisable to consult professional technical support for more specific assistance and solutions.【蓑衣网小编】


"Out of Range" 错误虽然令人沮丧,但通过上述步骤,大多数用户都能找到合适的方法来解决这一问题。如果你在尝试以上方法后仍然遇到困难,不妨寻求专业人士的帮助,以确保你的设备能够正常运行。


为什么我的电脑总是出现“Out of Range”?

This usually happens when there's a mismatch between your display settings and what your monitor can handle. Check your resolution and refresh rate settings in Windows.

"Out of Range"是否意味着我的硬件损坏了?

No, "Out of Range" does not necessarily indicate hardware failure; it often relates to incorrect display settings that can be adjusted easily.

I changed my graphics card; why am I seeing “Out of Range”?

A new graphics card may have different default output settings than your previous one. You should adjust these settings accordingly in safe mode if necessary.

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