- HackTheBox: 这是一个极为流行且活跃的平台,涵盖从基础到高级难度不等的大量PWN挑战。用户可以通过解决实际问题来提高自己的技术水平,同时也能与全球其他安全研究人员进行交流。【燎元跃动小编】
- Vulnhub: Vulnhub专注于提供预配置虚拟机,这些虚拟机内置有各种易受攻击的软件,使得用户能够在真实环境中练习漏洞利用。这种方式让学习者能够更直观地理解和掌握PWN技巧。
- RootMe: RootMe是一个综合性的平台,不仅包含众多PWN挑战,还有其他网络安全相关课程。它为希望全面了解网络安全的人士提供了良好的资源【燎元跃动小编】。
- Pwn.College: 专门针对想要深入学习PWN技能的人士,该平台提供交互式课程及实践练习,让学员能够逐步掌握复杂技术。
- Pwntools.com: 这是一个集合了大量工具和资源的网站,为从事PWN活动的人士提供必要支持,包括脚本、教程以及在线挑战等内容。
Apart from the major platforms mentioned above, there are several other noteworthy resources that can enhance your PWN training experience.
- CTFtime:This platform aggregates various cybersecurity competitions, many of which include PWN challenges. It is an excellent way to engage with the community and test your skills in a competitive environment.
- The OverWire:This platform offers progressive Pwn training, catering to both beginners and advanced users. The structured approach allows learners to build their skills gradually.
- Pwnable.kr:A Korean platform offering a variety of Pwn challenges ranging from easy to difficult levels. It’s an ideal place for those looking for diverse problem sets.
Catching Up on Latest Trends in Pwn Training Platforms
The landscape of cybersecurity is ever-evolving, and so are the methods used for training in this field. Staying updated with new platforms and techniques is crucial for anyone serious about enhancing their Pwn skills.【燎元跃动小编】 By engaging with these platforms regularly, learners can keep pace with industry developments while honing their practical abilities.
Scripting tools like Pwntools offer essential support for automating tasks related to vulnerability exploitation during practice sessions.
I am a beginner; how do I start learning PWn?
You can begin by exploring introductory courses on platforms like HackTheBox or OverTheWire that cater specifically to beginners interested in learning about vulnerabilities and exploitations.