
如何在 Windows 11 中分配虚拟内存

admin 08-24 11
如何在 Windows 11 中分配虚拟内存摘要: 如何在 Windows 11 中分配虚拟内存在现代计算机中,虚拟内存是提升系统性能的重要机制之一。它通过利用硬盘空间来补充物理内存(RAM),从而使得运行大型程序时更加流畅。在 W...

本文对《如何在 Windows 11 中分配虚拟内存》进行了深度解读分析,同时对相关问题进行了展开说明,下面跟随燎元跃动小编一起了解。

如何在 Windows 11 中分配虚拟内存

在现代计算机中,虚拟内存是提升系统性能的重要机制之一。它通过利用硬盘空间来补充物理内存(RAM),从而使得运行大型程序时更加流畅。在 Windows 11 操作系统中,合理配置虚拟内存可以显著改善多任务处理和高负载应用的表现。接下来,我们将详细介绍如何在 Windows 11 中进行虚拟内存的分配。


如何在 Windows 11 中分配虚拟内存

首先,你需要按下键盘上的 Windows 键 + R,这将打开“运行”对话框。在对话框中输入“msconfig”,然后按 Enter 键。这时,“系统配置”窗口就会弹出。







  • Select the drive where you want to allocate virtual memory, typically your main drive (C:).


  • The minimum size is usually set at 16,384 MB (16 GB), while a recommended value is typically 1.5 times the amount of RAM installed on your system.
  • The maximum size can be determined by the available hard disk space.


A final step involves clicking “Set”, followed by “OK”, to apply your changes. After that, close both the “virtual memory” and “system configuration” windows. To ensure that these settings take effect, restart your computer.

提示:If you're unsure about how much virtual memory to allocate, it’s advisable to stick with recommended values. Additionally, you can create multiple page files across different drives if necessary【燎元跃动小编】.


  • If there’s insufficient virtual memory space allocated, performance issues or blue screen errors may occur.


问题1: 如何检查当前的虚拟内存使用情况?

You can check current virtual memory usage by navigating to Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc) and selecting the Performance tab under Memory section.

问题2: 虚拟内存在什么情况下会被用到?

This mechanism kicks in when physical RAM is fully utilized; it allows additional data storage on disk as a temporary measure for running applications smoothly.

问题3: 分配过多或过少的虚拟内存在电脑上有什么影响?

< p > Allocating too little may lead to performance degradation or crashes while allocating too much could waste valuable disk space without significant benefits.【燎元跃动小编】< / p >

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