

admin 08-24 8
如何验证虚拟内存设置是否成功摘要: 如何验证虚拟内存设置是否成功虚拟内存是现代计算机系统中不可或缺的一部分,它允许操作系统在物理内存不足时,通过将一些不常用的数据移至硬盘来扩展可用的内存空间。正确配置和验证虚拟内存的...






首先,您可以通过任务管理器来快速查看虚拟内存的状态。按下 Ctrl + Shift + Esc 组合键打开任务管理器,切换到“性能”选项卡。在左下角找到“虚拟内存”,如果显示为“已启用”,则说明您的虚拟内存在正常工作。这是最直接的方法之一,可以迅速了解当前系统的运行状况。【燎元跃动小编】建议定期检查这一项,以确保系统始终处于最佳状态。


另一种验证方法是使用命令提示符。在Windows搜索框中输入 cmd, 然后按 Enter. 在弹出的窗口中输入以下命令:

systeminfo | findstr /i "Virtual Memory"

If the output indicates that virtual memory is enabled, then your settings are correct. This method provides a more technical approach to verifying your virtual memory configuration.


You can also verify your virtual memory settings through the Control Panel. Search for “控制面板” in the Windows search bar and navigate to “系统和安全”. From there, select “系统”, and click on “高级系统设置” on the left menu. In the Performance section, click on the “设置” button, then go to the Virtual Memory tab. Ensure that "自动管理所有驱动器的分页文件大小" is checked. This ensures that Windows automatically manages your paging file size across all drives【燎元跃动小编】.


If you have made any changes to your virtual memory settings, it’s crucial to restart your computer for those changes to take effect. After rebooting, repeat steps one through three to confirm that everything is functioning as expected.

Total Summary:

  • The task manager:A quick way to check if it's enabled.
  • The command prompt:A more technical verification method.
  • The control panel:A place where you can manage and configure settings effectively.



You can adjust virtual memory by accessing System Properties in Control Panel and modifying paging file size under Advanced system settings.

No response from my computer after changing virtual memory; what should I do?

If there's no response after changing settings, try restarting your computer or reverting back any recent changes made in Virtual Memory configurations.

I see 'Insufficient Virtual Memory' error; how do I fix this?

This error typically indicates that either physical RAM or allocated pagefile space needs increasing; consider adjusting these values accordingly or closing unused applications.【燎元跃动小编】

