
如何调整 VSCode 编辑器的背景颜色

admin 08-24 12
如何调整 VSCode 编辑器的背景颜色摘要: 如何调整 VSCode 编辑器的背景颜色在使用 Visual Studio Code(VSCode)进行开发时,编辑器的背景颜色对用户体验至关重要。适合自己的背景色不仅能减轻眼睛疲...

本文对《如何调整 VSCode 编辑器的背景颜色》进行了深度解读分析,同时对相关问题进行了展开说明,下面跟随燎元跃动小编一起了解。

如何调整 VSCode 编辑器的背景颜色

在使用 Visual Studio Code(VSCode)进行开发时,编辑器的背景颜色对用户体验至关重要。适合自己的背景色不仅能减轻眼睛疲劳,还能提升编程效率。本文将详细介绍如何通过不同的方法来调整 VSCode 的编辑器背景颜色,让你的编码环境更加舒适。


如何调整 VSCode 编辑器的背景颜色

VSCode 提供了多种主题供用户选择,您可以通过以下步骤快速更改编辑器的背景颜色:

  1. 打开设置:使用快捷键 Ctrl + ,(Windows/Linux)或 Cmd + ,(macOS)来打开设置面板。
  2. 搜索主题:在搜索栏中输入“主题”,系统会自动列出可用的主题选项。
  3. 选择所需主题:从列表中挑选一个您喜欢的主题,点击后该主题会立即应用于您的工作区。



If you prefer a more customized approach, you can manually set the background color of your editor. Follow these steps:

  1. (1) 打开设置:
  2. (2) 搜索工作台:
  3. (3) 找到并修改编辑器背景:



Apart from using built-in themes and manual settings, users can also create custom themes to save specific background color configurations. This flexibility allows developers to tailor their coding environment precisely to their preferences. If at any point you feel overwhelmed by the options available, remember that simplicity often leads to better focus and productivity.


如何恢复 VSCode 默认配置?

You can restore default settings by going into the settings panel and clicking on the "Reset Settings" button found in each configuration section.


The Nocturnal mode or dark theme is known for reducing eye strain during long coding sessions, especially in low-light environments.

I can't find my preferred theme; what should I do?

If your desired theme isn't listed, consider checking online repositories like GitHub for community-created themes that might suit your taste!

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