- 签名问题:Windows系统通常要求所有驱动程序必须经过数字签名。如果所下载或尝试安装的驱动未经过认证或不受信任,系统将阻止其正常运行。
- 硬件不兼容:某些USB转串口设备可能与特定计算机硬件存在兼容性问题,这会导致无法正确识别和使用该设备。
- 冲突的驱动程序:如果计算机上已连接其他串口设备,其现有驅動程式可能与新装置产生冲突,从而影响新的 USB 转 串 口 驱 动 的 安 装 成 功率。
- 损坏或丢失文件:Certain driver files may be corrupted or missing, which can prevent successful installation.
- 缺少先决条件软件:The installation of certain prerequisite software or patches may be necessary before installing the driver.
Aiming to resolve the issues mentioned above, here are some effective solutions:
- (1) 禁用签名验证:You can enter safe mode by pressing F8 during Windows startup and select "Disable Driver Signature Enforcement" to allow unsigned drivers to install.
- (2) 检查硬件兼容性:Please contact the device manufacturer or visit their website to ensure that your USB-to-serial device is compatible with your computer's hardware configuration.
- (3) 卸载冲突驅動程式: strong>You should remove any existing serial port drivers from "Device Manager" that might conflict with your new device. li >
- < strong >(4 ) 重新下载 驱 动 程序: strong > Download and install the latest version of the driver from the manufacturer's official website. li >
- < strong >(5 ) 安装先决条件: strong > Ensure all necessary prerequisite software is installed before attempting to set up your USB-to-serial device. li >
热点关注: h2 >为什么我的 USB 转 串 口 驱 动 无法 安 装? h3 >
答案: 有多种因素可以影响此过程,包括未签名的软件、硬件不兼容、已有冲突驾驶等。确保逐一排查这些潜在的问题,可以提高成功率。 p >
如何确认我的 USB 转 串 口 驱 动 是否 已 正 确 安 装? h3 >
答案: 您可以通过“控制面板”中的“设备管理器”查看相关信息,如果看到您的 USB 转 串 端子列出且没有错误标志,则表示已正确安裝。 p >