不再推荐安装的VS Code插件及其替代方案
不再推荐安装的VS Code插件及其替代方案
随着 Visual Studio Code(VS Code)的不断更新,许多曾经流行的插件逐渐变得不再必要。本文将详细介绍一些已不再推荐使用的插件,包括 Path Intellisense、Bracket Pair Colorizer 和 HTML Snippets,并提供相应的替代方案或说明这些插件为何被淘汰。此外,我们还将探讨不再推荐使用这些插件的原因,比如 VS Code 已内置了类似功能或因技术更新而更换。
Path Intellisense
Path Intellisense 插件曾经是开发者们用来自动补全文件路径的重要工具。然而,随着 VS Code 的版本迭代,这一功能已经被内置到编辑器中。因此,用户可以直接享受原生支持,而无需额外安装此类插件【燎元跃动小编】。
Bracket Pair Colorizer 和 Rainbow Brackets
这两个用于高亮显示括号对的插件在早期版本中非常受欢迎,但从 VS Code 版本 1.75 开始,该功能已成为内置特性。因此,建议用户卸载这两个冗余的扩展,以简化工作环境并提高效率。
HTML Snippets
HTML Snippets 插件为开发者提供了 HTML 代码提示,但实际上,VS Code 自身已经具备相似功能。这使得该插件与编辑器本身产生冲突,因此建议用户考虑卸载以避免潜在的问题【燎元跃动小编】。
Vetur 替代 Vue Language Features
If you are working with Vue.js, it is advisable to replace Vetur with Vue Language Features. The latter supports the new setup syntax sugar introduced in Vue3, providing更好的代码提示和支持。这种转变不仅提升了开发体验,也减少了对过时工具的不必要依赖。
格式化和检查工具:Prettier 和 ESLint 的优势
The plugins Beautify、JS-CSS-HTML Formatter、TSLint 和 jshint 提供了一系列格式化和代码检查服务。然而,这些功能现可通过 Prettier 和 ESLint 来实现,因此也可以考虑卸载这些旧版工具,以优化工作流程【燎元跃动小编】。
Caution on Setting Sync Plugin
The Setting Sync plugin was once essential for syncing personal settings across devices. However, since version 1.47 of VS Code has integrated this feature natively, users no longer need to rely on an external plugin for this functionality.
Total Conclusion:
User should regularly evaluate their installed plugins and consider removing those that are redundant or no longer necessary due to built-in features in the latest versions of VS Code. This not only simplifies the development environment but also enhances overall productivity.
The most notable ones include Path Intellisense, Bracket Pair Colorizer, and HTML Snippets as they have been replaced by built-in functionalities.
Simplifying my workspace: Should I uninstall old plugins?
If you find that your current plugins overlap with features provided by newer versions of VSCode, it's a good idea to uninstall them for a cleaner workspace.
I heard Vetur is outdated; what should I use instead?
You can switch to Vue Language Features which offers better support for modern syntax like setup from Vue 3.